Whispering Soul Blog

Blog to share writings and musings related to the late Doris E. Roberts, PhD (Metaphysics)

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Male and Female Energy Balance – a discussion

One of the most important aspects in the balancing of Male and Female Energies is how the pure energy of our male and female hormones activate personality traits in the living forms we call human. Of great importance, also, is how does the human glandular (hormone) system assist in evolving the common cultural traits of humans so prevalent today?  Is it merely a sophistication mental process arrived at by the tribes of the cultural societies which existed at the time of human development as Dennett suggests it may be? 


It is also important to note that many historians now believe that often during the evolution of this planet, human existence experienced a radical decline in numbers and was very close to complete annihilation several times.  Under this type of survival risk and circumstances, “fight or flight” hormones were essential to assure evolution of mankind in all its many forms.

While many brain experts today do agree that our modern man currently operates mainly out of his left brain, which is the logical, reasonable aggressive activity base of operation, the female of our species appears to be somewhat still left out in the cold.  Why? Common male opinions still insist that females will never being able to attain all that her male counterparts can.   That opinion works the other way, also.  Surely, each gender has certain elements that fit only its particular sex, but more emphasis is required to use and interpret the intelligent abilities of each individual. When women’s credentials are considered to meet the established requirements, they are often anticipated (or at the very worst considered) to work from an emotional reactionary base that is totally unreasonable (primary right brain usage). Unfortunately,  this is often used against them as a way to discount their abilities.   Obviously it is the battle of the sexes, but less severe than it used to be.

Let us consider the following fact: women worked primarily from their right brain hemisphere, males from the left one.  What’s the difference? The right brain hemisphere is the non-linear, unlimited associative activity domain used in demonstrating nurturing supportive survival connections that support continuing growth of the species. Both genders do have the ability to switch from one hemisphere to the other as needed.  But there is one more physiological factor in male and female brains that makes a big difference in the process of how men and women think. 

But before a closer examination of the evidence from supportive fieldwork research qualifying gender brain bias, it is necessary to supply some additional statements for the purpose of clarifying the intent of this fieldwork in order to carry them through for further conclusive results.  It is also time for serious consideration that qualifying statements are necessary for inclusion to support further studies as to a possible future exploration into this very important issue,

The balancing of the physical and spiritual natures of human beings and how it can be applied to everyday life.

A Passionate Love Affair

As the world rushes past the beginning years of this new Century, Millennium, and Age, it is obvious by now that many of us are aware we are here to contemplate and complete a personal mystical partnership.  Ours is one that revolves around humanity’s passionate love affair with our co-creator, our God of Love.  Love is a cultural commodity that cannot be ignored for very long no matter the sophistication level of any individual.  Cultural traditions, as many writers have chosen to use to describe the format and practice of love handed down from generation to generation, have within them the building blocks to support the working theology of the mystical completion of souls.  Love is what God is, no matter what our religious or cultural persuasion proclaims our God to be.  God is also the Universal Life Force Energy and as such, acts as the glue that keeps us all together on this planet and in this Universe. Some say our world is the Universal Educational Karmic System of “Incomplete Beings” processing lesson after lesson in lives after lives. 

My question is “Can it be that we have volunteered to take part in a grand experiment that allows us some freedom of choice as we evolve up the ladder of Cosmic Conscious Awareness?”  If it is true, then our job is to grow in the only way we know how to live.

The Law of Love and Attraction

Seek One, Search Two, Discover Three

 “The Journey of True Self Discovery comes to everyone of us as an inner urging to seek, search and discover that which is known of self and yet appears to be unknown.”     …Dr. Doris E. Roberts

Self Discovery is a lifetime process of living with outer change and inner transformation.  Making it fun is the challenge.  The joy is in the realization that transformation is a natural phenomenon and it truly is great because no one really wants to stay the same forever. Change is merely the process of being at one with one’s living environment.  

 Life is all about expanding continually moment by moment, filling each microsecond with a heartbeat of experiential existence, preferably the best of all there is. As we grow we gain more knowledge of why we are here now in this form on this planet.  We are each on our own Sacred Mission so why not make it an adventure?  Isn’t it about time to discover our very own mission and purpose for this lifetime?

Consider it The First Step UP.

The Magical Trio: Charm, Kindness, and Humor

I.  Charm is defined in this context as the power to arouse love and admiration. It makes you attractive and fascinating, influencing others as if by magic.  It is closely linked to enchantment: To enchant means to delight completely, to enrapture with joy – literally to encircle with song.  A truly charming personality is magical and mysterious having an alchemical effect on his or her surroundings.  Charm attracts people to you because you are genuinely interesting and engaging.  Charm also attracts Angels.                       

II.  Kindness is another element of Lightness.  A kind person will also attract Angels – and unkind person will repel everyone especially Angels.  Think about it.  Being kind is agreeable, open and without effort.  When it is forced, it is too sweet, a substitute like saccharine, for it leaves a bitter aftertaste with both parties – the giver and the receiver.                  When kindness is real – it is pure and delightful! 

III.  Humor is the essence of a light, loving open heart.  However, there is a fine line between making fun of another person and true wit.  Both discover the absurd and the ridiculous in life, but wit does it in a comfortable way so that no one is offended.  Being witty or having a sense of humor doesn’t automatically mean you make fun of anyone, including yourself.  Ridiculing others is neither charming nor funny – even when you are the brunt of your own jokes. Being witty means having the ability to combine words and ideas in a clever way that appeals to the intellect in everyone.  

Also having a sense of humor does not mean that you are the one who creates the humor.  It means you have the ability to appreciate and enjoy amusing situations and a good laugh.

Soul Awareness and Expansion:

You can begin to fulfill your mission as the world moves and expands more into this millennium.  As you are exposed to more clarity – you will discover that you are opening yourself to better use of your personal power and creative energy.  It is important that you realize you have access to the Wisdom of your Soul.  This you do knowingly or unknowingly by your willingness to be open to connect with your Angelic Awareness Guides, the Messengers of Light.  My question of you at this point is: “Will you be able to continue to keep your Celestial Communications open and operating?” The Importance of Intentions:  What really is your intention in this matter of mastering your Life?  Do you seek to take away any one else’s power from them?  Are you being an energy thief without being aware of it?  Do you come silently into others’ fields of energy (auras) and drain them of their energy when they are not aware?  Is this being deliberately done by you or are you unaware that this is what you are doing?Or is all this Energy Robbing being done to you? Check it out.  How often do you feel drained in your daily life?  What situations are you in at the time and who were you with? If you are not sure how this is done, it may be time to read the “Celestine Prophecy” if you have not done so already.  James Redfield, the author, describes this phenomenon very well.  It is always wise to realize that there is an energy draining environment in place in the world, but do not become obsessed by it.  Be aware of it and choose not to become involved in it and it will pass you by. Recognition Time:Learn to recognize what is happening to you or around you.  Look to your own thoughts.  What are your fears that you attract to you?  If you still have an issue on this, surround yourself with white light.  Secondly, be aware of your surroundings you are in and the “thought transference” environment that exists.  If you are a sensitive, this danger exists in your mind.  It well may be that the person is draining you because you are the one allowing it to happen because of an issue within your self that requires some healing.Remember that nothing can harm or hurt you unless some deeply embedded belief inside you allows this to happen.  Nothing in this world just happens TO YOU, there first must be an attraction FROM YOU.  Know that when you realize this insight, the Angelic White Light that you can surround yourself with when you are in a draining situation, is enough to protect you.  Wear a crystal on your person to remind you of its protection.  One of the best is Rutilated Quartz…it assists in removing any depression or sad thoughts that may have triggered the drain in the first place.

Ease as opposed to Disease

Ease as opposed to Disease may be seen as a state of harmonious equilibrium between the two equally potent cerebral hemispheres of the brain.  Without this balanced state, our world often becomes formless and void of love and worthy goals.  Ease is a harmonious state of Holistic Perfection.  Be at ease.Daily examine closely within yourself why is it you seek out this knowledge?  Is it to be used to obtain that which you desire, i.e., wealth, good health, another’s love, so that you may become more powerful – more in control?  Or is it to assist humanity by being an example of someone who is walking in the light of love, sharing awareness just by being his or her self – full to the brim and spilling over with human kindness, non-judgmental love and compassion? 

What is compassion?  It is a caring heart and a level head. 

Thoughts are Powerful Energy

Thoughts are powerful energy resources and environmental controllers.    Many of you may be working in energy draining environments.  Some of you may have this type of person in your home environment.  Anyone who is ILL (I Lack Love) in any way often robs others’ energy without even realizing it.  People, who feel hurt for any reason, emotionally or physically, are unsafe to be around.  Because they hurt, they only have hurt to give to others.  When you surround yourself with the Light of Loving Energy, in your presence they will be safe and not hurt as much.  In this way, also, your own energy will remain whole and protect you.  Children especially require a lot of love to feel safe in these trying times.  Do give them your focused attention.  Listen to them.  Surround them with love. Childhood is a very traumatic experience. They will seek out attention from adults either by positive or not so positive behavior…what they are requiring is your attention.  It is very important that as the caretaker adult that you continually surround yourself with White Light so that the children feel safe and un-hurting in your presence.

Marriage of self within the Self:

The Sacred Marriage of the right brain (feminine energy) and the left brain (masculine) generates a state of total well being-ness.  It is in the connection, within of the mental atmosphere, of the two: 1) the sub-consciousness with,  2) conscious awareness which opens the pathway to a higher state of cosmic consciousness within the individual.  In effect, it allows one to operate out of a more androgynous state of aware-ness.  In this state one is able to more easily detach oneself from those things that cause one to be involved continually in challenges and , which no longer serve the individual.

A Divine Mystery

Whatever it is…it seems to be going around these days…you find yourself kind of staring out into space, your mind feeling like it has gone flat line with no apparent activity going on and your emotions are becoming very fragile and unnerving.  You explode at the slightest impulse or cry tears anywhere and anytime with no reasonable explanation. There is so much change going on that nothing seems to be staying the same for very long anymore…it’s all very unsettling and a bit overwhelming.

Sound familiar to you? 

Could it be that you are experiencing the most widespread phenomena of this accelerated, evolutionary time in this Planet’s history?

Messengers of God – Our Angels

The Missing Peace:

Where is our soul? We often tell ourselves it is lost and I cannot find it!  It always stays just out of our grasp.  Many of you may think of this “Missing Peace” as your Guardian Angel.  You may feel you have found your Soul Contact.  Have you? 

Souls or Messengers of God?

Do you know that your Soul can never be lost?  It is always with you.  It is waiting for you to expand and add more experiences to its memory this lifetime.  Life is all about gathering experiences.  Your personal God has a residence in the Limbic Stem area of your Brain.  We have forgotten how to reach our God.  It is time to remember again. Your God is like a little black box inside of your brain, which contains all the information of your Soul’s many lifetimes and lessons learned.  It houses your wisdom.  It is always there, it is always functioning, and it is always providing you with knowledge to keep you going, to keep you living, to keep you creating that which you continually expand to be.  Even without your asking.  If you ask and contact it via Angel’s Avenue, this personal energy source is able to assist you more, but it will never tell you what to do.  The choice of experiences is always up to you.  Angels can make your life easier, or put more challenges in your way; it is entirely up to you in the way you choose to look at who and what you are.  Are you a victim?  Or are you a student learning important lessons?  Many of us have chosen to not use our guides and do it the hard way.  That’s okay, too.  Our Angels are the Messengers of God who do not judge; they only love.

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