The dedicated young men and women are involved in a service to their country, to their world and their contribution is often a very personal sacrifice of the small self.

To be a part of something greater than self is to begin to know the true Self.

Their loved ones are also very much a part of this lack of freedom they willingly have to give up to serve their country.

Tears freely came to my eyes after a phenomenal air show (provided on Tiger Cruise 1997 aboard the USS Kitty Hawk’s return off a six month deployment to home port San Diego, CA)


Perhaps because I had been married to a pilot who truly gave his life for his country, but also because I never expected to be aboard an aircraft carrier with my oldest daughter as my sponsor.  I was very proud of her accomplishments and all that she had to give up to be there with me in that moment, and it is a lifetime memory that will always be an important part of me.