Blog to share writings and musings related to the late Doris E. Roberts, PhD (Metaphysics)

Category: PhD excerpts

My Mother and I – “A Mystical Experience”

Dr Doris E Roberts, PhD (Metaphysics), Dec 2004



“We become and are continually becoming that which we think, not what we think we are.  We are provided information daily that makes a big difference in what type of thoughts are flowing into our minds moment by moment.   What we believe to be true is true for us.  We really do contribute to what comes next in our lives in more ways than we can even imagine.”

– (PhD excerpt) The New Spirituality of The Now Millennium, Chap V Transmutations Centers, Section I (A Mystical Experience), Dr D. E. Roberts,  2000.

Wendy Candela, Aug 2023 (oldest daughter and blog owner)

My mother and I are both 71 years old in these photos.   I love and miss my mother’s ‘Mona Lisa’ smile, so very different from my toothy one.

Personal Spiritual Satisfaction Path

(A personal spiritual satisfaction path) assists humanity in understanding why and how male/female spiritual energies operate, and how a bio-electro-magnetic entity is able to function on an invisible as well as a very visible energetic level of conscious awareness.  For humans are dual nature beings.

Humans have a physical nature and a spiritual nature. Both are truly meant to work together harmoniously.

How much more time will it take for all of us to accept and truly realize this important fact?

-D Paine Roberts, PhD, A New World of Conscious Awareness, "Return to Love", Understanding Body/Mind Functions excerpt, 2004

Happiness and Transmutation

Happiness is a state of feeling safe and secure within self.

This higher state of awareness is being accomplished because this new Golden Age Society yearns to be among the first to lead the way on to the Divine Pathway of Reawakening Spiritual Awareness in its partnership with Scientism (Scientists versed in Natural Sciences). Both the Now Spirituality and the New Sexuality along with Science are taking their rightful equal places in all earthly enterprises.

Transmutation is occurring now, whether we realize it or not, down to the cellular level of each and every one of us living on Earth at this time.  Make no mistake, it is happening because it is time for it to do so.

-Doris E Roberts,  PhD, Chap 2