“Where is our soul?”
We often ask ourselves, “Is it lost and I cannot find it?” It always stays just out of our grasp. Many of you may think of this Missing Peace as your Guardian Angel. You may feel you have found your Soul Contact. Have you?
Blog to share writings and musings related to the late Doris E. Roberts, PhD (Metaphysics)
“Where is our soul?”
We often ask ourselves, “Is it lost and I cannot find it?” It always stays just out of our grasp. Many of you may think of this Missing Peace as your Guardian Angel. You may feel you have found your Soul Contact. Have you?
The Missing Peace:
Where is our soul? We often tell ourselves it is lost and I cannot find it! It always stays just out of our grasp. Many of you may think of this “Missing Peace” as your Guardian Angel. You may feel you have found your Soul Contact. Have you?
Souls or Messengers of God?
Do you know that your Soul can never be lost? It is always with you. It is waiting for you to expand and add more experiences to its memory this lifetime. Life is all about gathering experiences. Your personal God has a residence in the Limbic Stem area of your Brain. We have forgotten how to reach our God. It is time to remember again. Your God is like a little black box inside of your brain, which contains all the information of your Soul’s many lifetimes and lessons learned. It houses your wisdom. It is always there, it is always functioning, and it is always providing you with knowledge to keep you going, to keep you living, to keep you creating that which you continually expand to be. Even without your asking. If you ask and contact it via Angel’s Avenue, this personal energy source is able to assist you more, but it will never tell you what to do. The choice of experiences is always up to you. Angels can make your life easier, or put more challenges in your way; it is entirely up to you in the way you choose to look at who and what you are. Are you a victim? Or are you a student learning important lessons? Many of us have chosen to not use our guides and do it the hard way. That’s okay, too. Our Angels are the Messengers of God who do not judge; they only love.
The following becomes more apparent in your life:
· Almost instant manifestation of your thoughts.
· Things and situations necessary for your growth come forth.
· Confrontation with blocked energy occurs and allows you to dissolve blocks opening the way to higher vibrational energy.
This ability to tap into higher states of consciousness is very potent. And those interested in continuing to pursue it should never do so without the guidance of a spiritual teacher/counselor. For without knowledge on how to direct and use it correctly for your own well being, this dynamic force can cause some serious issues to come into play in your life. It must never be used to attempt to try to control and use others for your own selfish purposes. It works best for the good of all concerned so that it is a win-win for everyone. Ask yourself if you have any doubts: Would it be all right if everyone did what I want to do with this Universal Life Force Energy?
This higher state of awareness that is now within each individuals reach may be looked upon as the recognition of the Angelic State of Being. Opening to this possibility brings about experiences of the presence of Angels in ones life, which in and of itself brings about Miracles.
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