Blog to share writings and musings related to the late Doris E. Roberts, PhD (Metaphysics)

A Divine Mystery

Whatever it is…it seems to be going around these days…you find yourself kind of staring out into space, your mind feeling like it has gone flat line with no apparent activity going on and your emotions are becoming very fragile and unnerving.  You explode at the slightest impulse or cry tears anywhere and anytime with no reasonable explanation. There is so much change going on that nothing seems to be staying the same for very long anymore…it’s all very unsettling and a bit overwhelming.

Sound familiar to you? 

Could it be that you are experiencing the most widespread phenomena of this accelerated, evolutionary time in this Planet’s history?


  1. Wendy

    As a biologist, I find this very intriguing….first, evolution does not stop, second, that it may be accelerating…..

  2. dorrie

    Sounds great Wendy…I really enjoy reading moms thoughts!! Love Dorrie

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