It often appears that no one wants to acknowledge this has been the ongoing issue since time began on this planet.
Our human ancestors, wherever they came from originally, fought the animals and each other for survival in this natural world of form. Our territorial instincts as humans are often without question depending on which side you favor.
Wars were often fought over territorial rights. Many are forced to fight to assure a roof over their heads and survival. It is our base-animal-connection expressing itself.
Possessions do assist us in surviving. They give us comfort, protection, and a place to call our own…but they also demand from us care, upkeep, and rules and regulations to keep the peace so that we can continue to care for and have some form of control over our possessions.
Until we realize in order to care for this planet, it is in our best interest to honor and cooperate with one another as intelligent human beings. Our world may be forced to rid itself of what is destroying it. And Earth is fully capable of doing just that very well, for it has been done many times before.
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