Blog to share writings and musings related to the late Doris E. Roberts, PhD (Metaphysics)

Author: Wendy

Daughter of Doris E. Roberts, PhD (Metaphysics) and sister to a beautiful soul and poet, Karen Lee. This blog is dedicated to publishing their words and poems. Take a spiritual journey into thoughts and feelings. Read on....

A Personal Interview series with D. Paine Roberts, Msc.D., Ph.D.

Phenomena Philosophy


DR:  I think I must say that is the realization of the power of Unconditional Love.


DR:  As a young child growing up in a world of family, friends and interests, it was amazing that no matter what was going on in my life, I was also always looking for a reason for everything that was happening to me.  I was told that I was loved, but what did that mean?  I didn’t get much attention for I had a baby brother that seemed to take it all. Besides that, I was very quiet and very sensitive and remembered things that did not appear to be real in the actual world around me.  “What am I doing here?” I often asked myself. I wanted to have more answers or reasons than what were given to me.


DR: As I matured sooner than most because of the trying times in my family’s life, I found myself wanting to know more about what I was supposed to be doing with my life.  It had to be more than the suffering and pain that was going on all around me at that time of my life.

Fortunately, I had a very creative imagination in the darkness of the night as I lay in my bed unable to sleep. Even when in a movie theatre in my early years watching some inspiring film on the big screen in front of me I found myself yearning to understand and know more than anything in the world what true love really was. Was it what I saw on the screen or read in the romantic books in the library?  What my mother said it was, felt more like sacrifice and suffering than joy and happiness.


DR:  I tried not to think that love was my life’s mission. I would continually remind myself that it couldn’t be so simple. Everyone knows what love is, but to me it had to be something much more meaningful. There had to be in there somewhere 1) a selfless way to serve Humanity, 2) or a way of life that had Spiritual Meaning, and 3) a Special Family Unit where family members truly cared for each other and always celebrated life’s ups and downs together surrounded by unconditional love. I truly desired to know what I was really doing here. I realize now that I had a very deep need to understand what common life was all about.  Nothing about my surroundings made any sense to me as a child. I felt I was different from everyone around me.  I did not feel that I belonged where I was and I didn’t fit in very well. I had an awareness that went beyond the usual and I often felt lost in my surroundings. What was I doing here.

When I questioned the way things were, because I felt I was unfairly being picked on, I was often asked in frustration by my own mother, “Who do you think you are?  The Queen of England?”

As I grew I eventually felt I had to give up that inner need to understand to finally realize just what my mission was this lifetime.  As I looked back on it all, it appears to be all about Unconditional Love. I eventually came to the realization that Love is the glue that keeps us in the “here and now” so that our souls can grow and expand with our ever expanding Universal Loving Awareness. 

(To be continued….)

-posted verbatim from e-file last modified 6/27/2004 11:15 PM by Dr Dris.

Upcoming Peace Portal

The Peace Portal will offer an unique opportunity to transform the tension of Uranus/Pluto square (intensified on that day with Jupiter and Venus into a cardinal cross) with the harmonizing effects of the grand sextile. This means that all deeply rooted conflicts on the surface of the planet can begin to finally begin resolving if the critical mass of 144,000 people activating this portal is achieved.

We have set a goal to reach masses of people, so that the critical mass of people actually doing this is attained. Please post it on your websites and blogs.

Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this meditation can actually save human lives.

We are all doing this activation at 11 hours 11 minutes pm Cairo time on August 25th. This equals 11:11 pm in Central Europe, 10:11 pm in UK, 5:11 pm EDT, 4:11 pm CDT, 3:11 MDT and 2:11 PDT. For other locations and other time zones, you can reference a World Clock to get the time in your area.


1. Relax your mind and body by watching your breath for a few minutes

2. Visualize a pillar of electric blue Light, coming from the Galactic Central Sun and then descending down through your body

3. Visualize that Light flowing through your heart and then through your hands directly into the Syria conflict, the Egypt liberation process, prison camps of North Korea and all other unresolved situations on the planet, filling them with Light and eliminating all darkness which exists there.

4. Ask the Goddess presence (divine feminine) to come through your body

5. Ask that Goddess presence to direct energies of peace and harmony to all those unresolved situations and everyone involved in them. Allow that energy to flow through your heart and then through your hands into those situations for a few minutes.

The Goddess wants peace and freedom so peace and freedom will come.  Dr. Dris would have attended, and likely, gathered as many as she could.  May your angel be with you!

Mom Mandala

Dr Dris Mandala

Session One: Live Your Dream – “The Co-Creation of Heaven on Earth”

Remember also it is important to realize that how you hold the people in your life in your mind is often how they react in your presence.  Let go of the old way of thinking of them the way they were and see the good in them and, right before your very own eyes, the miracle of change will occur all around you.  The Universe continuously changes to reflect your view of reality.  Change the way you think and what you think about and watch everything and everyone in your surroundings change. It is one of the Universal Laws.

Who is Dr. Dris?

This Blog is posting the writings of late Doris E. Roberts, PhD in Metaphysics (1933 – 2009)

Ordained Minister – International Metaphysical Ministry  (IMM), University of Metaphysical    Science – Holistic Seminary College — Summer 1989

Doctorate in Metaphysical Science Msc. D, University of Metaphysics, (UM) May 1990

Doctorate in Philosophy  Ph.D.  (UM) – June 2000