The Soul is child like, very open, allowing and the soul likes to play. While, the Ego likes to examine every thing and person around it. It also examines you and judges you. Sometimes because it judges you, our Ego’s can be a terrible burden to bear. Yet Ego’s can learn and grow. Coming from your Soul now, tell your Ego to listen to you and help you, to stop judging you. Write down the conversation between your Soul and Ego so that you can refer to it. No, you’re not crazy. Now I have to ask a favor of you. The favor is to ask your Ego to back away so you are able to be more open and meek, to feel and come from just your Soul. The Ego is a great one for discernment, but it gets in the way. Feel free to read this poem over and over until you feel meek. Then move on to actually being Meek.
Being Meek
What am I when I am meek?
For when I am meek then I am not weak.
While being meek faith abides,
While there strength rides without taking sides.
When I am meek love does arise,
‘Till in surprise I have no disguise.
Then all inside is laid bare,
As changes I dare are done with care.
I allow myself the space,
That at my pace all my fears I face.
Then all hang-ups I will find,
So that my mind begins to unbind.
Then I am free to progress,
For with meekness I have gained success.
God, I miss my little sister, knowing she is in Rainier with her family. Life is soooo precious and she was so strong!