Whispering Soul Blog

Blog to share writings and musings related to the late Doris E. Roberts, PhD (Metaphysics)

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What is happening to our world today? Nothing seems to be the same. Why can we not just let things be the way they have always been? What’s going on? Why is the world appearing to change so rapidly around us? Change is not something that comes easily nor do many easily accept it.  But people do change often without realizing it.  Perhaps we do not have much choice in the matter.


From my own particular viewpoint, what the world is going through presently is more than mere change; it is transmutation down to our very cellular level. What is required of all of us is a personal understanding that it is more than merely another change going on now.  It is more like the majority of us are creating an almost impossible living reality to follow. We must begin to realize that it is time for all of humanity to give up what we thought were obvious human limitations and perceive them as lessons that we keep re-creating over and over again, lifetime after lifetime.

In this current period of modern existence especially, we are wasting much of our time and energy concentrating on the way it used to be.The time has finally come for all of us to be here and now in this day and age. The past is past and the future is in the making NOW.

One great way we can change our minds truly is by looking at our own particular life from another view. If we do, will we discover that as unique individuals we no longer need to put our souls in a small closet somewhere and throw away the key?  Can it be that Life is what we make of it, not IT of US? 


If you are a responsible person in your own right with an intelligent mind of your own, you can be (if you are not already) on top of your very own list of long awaited personal discoveries. Are you looking for that special one that makes you more aware and capable of understanding what is truly happening?

It just might be that the time has come for you to graduate with honors from the “High School of Everyday Living Lessons.” Can it be that you are finally free to move on to the next highest level — the “The University of Co-creation of Heaven on Earth.”   It may provide you with one of the greatest experiences anyone can obtain in any lifetime on this 3D planet.

We are at a rare point in time where humanity as a whole has decisions to make — for this is the time that has been predicted by many in our past history.  Where we go from here depends on the choices we make as human beings.  Are we ready to fulfill our very own special reason for being here this lifetime? Fortunately, it was never meant for us to have to do it alone. 

For example, the amazing dream realized by the Super Bowl winners, the New England Patriots. Their accomplishments was a prime example of being able to live a dream, individually, successfully, and collectively with the many fans who learned much also from cooperating in a “Dream Come True Program.”


The secret to making a dream come true is keeping your mind on the goal and work as a team of one…the One Connection. And it does take practice.  For many of us (if we look around with clear eyes) we are provided an opportunity to realize that every one of us is already in the midst of our own wildest dream.  Even though some of us may not realize it, we can still create our very own Dream Plan of Action.  Make no mistake. We are born with Free Will so that we can determine which choices will have to be made along the long road that leads to accomplishing our own special dream. 

Remember that it is important to recognize that how each one of us holds the people in our lives in our own mind is often how they react in our presence. 

We are much stronger than we think we are.  We have to let go of the old way of thinking of the world (pre-conceived notions) and see the grand purpose in everything we do, think and feel.  If we truly do recognize it right before our very own eyes, the miracle of change for the greatest good has already begun to move in our direction. This sounds like a fairy tale for children, but it is not. 

In this, our world of many dimensions, there is a very personal stream of crystal clear consciousness that surrounds each and every one of us. We often refer to it as Angels or think of it as Angles of Light. Whether we are aware of it or not, the Universe around us automatically reflects back to us who we are and how we think. It is continually rearranging Itself to fit our very own picture of reality.  Why not test it? 

Begin today to seriously change the way you think about someone or something and wait upon your world to reflect the new image back to you.  Don’t expect it immediately, it may take some time for the Universe to take us seriously and to set things in motion. This awareness involves Universal Laws, especially the Law of Attraction and the Law of Reflection. 

More about this later.


Any dream worth living is a dream worth the gift of our time and attention.  It should stretch our capabilities and allow us to focus on challenging growth, able to press against boundaries now existing in our own environment. We are meant to discover the leading edge of whatever we have set out this lifetime to accomplish. Then our job is to begin to accept and feel that it is possible. What we are thinking, doing and accomplishing, step by step can actualize the dream into form in our lives. The key is to enjoy it and recognize the dream as it develops within. Stay with it all the way until it becomes a living reality resource for the majority of those closest to you to recognize.As a unique individual, it is important that you thoroughly understand on a conscious and subconscious level that your dream is not impossible to reach.  Expect deep doubts and fears to come to the surface of your mind about this time.  That is to be expected for it is one of the functions of the left brain hemisphere – to question decisions.  If you are ready and determined, you will continue to move forward in the active task of living it. 


Even questioning if the time is right for you today may assist you in making some necessary plans at this point tomorrow.  Some dreams are only meant to fulfill fantasies in our lives.  But if your dream is meant to be real, there may be things you had not thought of that you must do before you can realize and experience it in your daily life.  It is therefore important to take some time to set up achievable goals to assure your mind that you are on the right track and that you are very serious about creating them in your life.  As you systemically go about accomplishing each step, it is wise to always have other goals to replace them with when completed. Develop a three-month plan, a six-month plan, a one-year plan, and a five-year plan.  No matter how long it takes, know that you will accomplish your goals to live your dream as long as it remains a realistic one for you and it harms or hurts no one. A plan of action assures accomplishment and gain even if your dream changes form and goes forth in another direction. Allow it some space to do so.  If your intentions of seeking accomplishment are still intact, it may prove to be a better way to go.  For example, if anyone close to you is an important part of your dream, be sure to share just enough of it so that the person understands and can share in the realization of your vision becoming an actual reality.  But if you know it is too soon to be in recruitment, hold off until you are secure in the realization that it is truly your dream and not the dream of someone who recruited YOU in theirs.  Unless of course, you desire it to be your dream, also, and it turns out to be a great match like the Super Bowl Victory. 


If more people are important to the dream, communicate with them in such a way that they can get excited also and realize that it is a big enough vision for them to be an essential part of it also.  At this point it is the easiest time to take yourself out of a dream if those you wanted to be a vital part of it are not interested and will not help you in any way.  Remember that a dream vision worth living that includes others often only comes together and works if there is a united cooperative creative energy between all involved, similar to the players and the fans.  Your timing may just be off.  It helps to be passionate about your dream for sooner or later, others who have been waiting for a similar dream to enter their lives, will be ready, willing and able to take an active role in an important part of your dream vision.  One good dream surely desires to be a part of the unlimited possibilities of others.  Remember there is no lesser or greater.  There is only the involvement of the hearts of most people to be in the greatest relationship of all, with their God, the One Connection with the “All That Is.” 


It does help if you understand that a miracle is often simply changing your mind.  Easy to say and often the most difficult thing to do.  We are “Right Machines” and for many lifetimes we have defended our beliefs to the death and destruction of all that made a difference in our lives.  Even in these difficult times, notice how many still have to risk their lives and those of their children and grandchildren to prove they are right in their beliefs and suffer the consequences.  Ask yourself now if it is worth it (when we appear to be risking total annihilation of Planet Earth) to think that our way is the only way? Just who is benefiting from this type of war of terror?  Can we not have a peaceful association with all humanity and less monetary avarice practiced by most of the high and mighty rulers of this Earth?  This is an important priority for all humanity to consider in this day and age.  Wonderful long awaited dreams can come true now more than ever before if we can ignore the Bringers of Gloom and Doom whose market is selling FEAR — False Evidence Appearing Real — which causes us sadness and anxiety and blocks the way to dream fulfillment.                            


It is time to ignore the Dictators of Darkness and see a bright Light at the end of the tunnel.  We have much to gain not only for our individual selves but also for all of humanity.  Remember: Happiness is feeling safe and secure within your own self.  The following two Universal Laws are involved in any decision making process.


We attract to us personally that which we think, feel, and believe to be true. 


What we see in others we have in ourselves or we would not be able to see it in them (this includes the Not So Good along with the GOOD). 


Time to make a choice that makes a positive difference for us all by concentrating on love, life and liberty for everyone.  Remember: True Happiness is feeling safe and secure within your own self.   

D. Paine Roberts, Msc.D., Ph.D.

Miracles: Simply a Change of Mind

The following becomes more apparent in your life:

·         Almost instant manifestation of your thoughts.

·         Things and situations necessary for your growth come forth.

·         Confrontation with blocked energy occurs and allows you to dissolve blocks opening the way to higher vibrational energy.

This ability to tap into higher states of consciousness is very potent.  And those interested in continuing to pursue it should never do so without the guidance of a spiritual teacher/counselor.  For without knowledge on how to direct and use it correctly for your own well being, this dynamic force can cause some serious issues to come into play in your life.  It must never be used to attempt to try to control and use others for your own selfish purposes.  It works best for the good of all concerned so that it is a win-win for everyone.  Ask yourself if you have any doubts:  “Would it be all right if everyone did what I want to do with this Universal Life Force Energy?”

Angel World Communication Consciousness:

This higher state of awareness that is now within each individual’s reach may be looked upon as the recognition of the Angelic State of Being.  Opening to this possibility brings about experiences of the presence of Angels in one’s life, which in and of itself brings about Miracles.

Session Two: Miracle Making – Marriage of self within the Self

The Sacred Marriage of the right brain (feminine energy) and the left brain (masculine) generates a state of total well being-ness.  It is in the connection, within of the mental atmosphere, of the two: 1) the sub-consciousness with, 2) conscious awareness which opens the pathway to a higher state of cosmic consciousness within the individual.  In effect, it allows one to operate out of a more androgynous state of aware-ness.  In this state one is able to more easily detach oneself from those things that cause one to be involved continually in challenges and , which no longer serve the individual.

Session Two: Miracle Making – Open the Way

Miracle Making is the Mystical Union of Female and Male Principles That releases Healing Energy. Androgynous Method:  All individuals possess male and female hormones and all are, therefore, basically androgynous. Angels are Androgynous.In this Mystical Magical Love and Attraction Master Series, which you have undertaken, the word androgyny, in this context, refers to the blending of two complementary physiological features that are present in all human beings.  When these two energetic forces are properly balanced (given equal consideration), healing of an individual’s body, mind and spirit occurs through the process of blending these two vital energies.

Example:  For instance, in acupuncture, it is the balanced harmony of the masculine force of yang with that of the feminine yin, which produces a healthy state.

Session One: Live Your Dream: Change your mind and help create Miracles

Time now has come for humanity as a whole to understand that a miracle is simply changing one’s mind. It is easy to say and often the most difficult thing to do.  We all have been Right Machines for many lifetimes and have defended ourselves to the death and destruction of all we believed to be the Truth to prove we were right. On this Planet Earth right now, there is an area where war and killing of innocent people has been going for centuries. The whole world has been asked to take sides.  Our United Nations of this World are divided and not in any agreement and are doing nothing to assist.  Our country has taken on the burden to be the Rescuers of all those who are being terrorized. This burden is heavy. Why US? Because the USA thinks we must take over control of the world to make it live under our own ways and standards?  Would we as a nation benefit truly from this actuality?  Are Americans fighting a war in the instigator’s country rather than our own in order to protect our way of life?  Just who is gaining from this war? It doesn’t take too many brains to answer these questions. The answers usually depend a lot on your own political point of view. Our country likes to be on the top of a list of Righteous Endeavors. My country right or wrong demands our participation in defending our rights. Is it our right to purchase oil from countries that have it?  It may be time to find another source of energy that is cleaner and cheaper. Until that happens, perhaps it is time for us to do like many foreign countries do — close our borders completely so we can take better care of our own middle class workers first before we go around helping those in other countries who threaten our way of life and the freedom that make us what and where we are today.   America, ask yourself now; Is it worth it in this day and age where we risk total annihilation of Planet Earth to continue to defend a position that may well bring about the end of life as we know it to be?  Would you rather be right or happy to just be able to live your dream without harming or hurting anyone else in the process? It is important for this planet’s people of all races to hold the space of Love on Earth.  It is and always has been our choice. But we no longer can do it alone. It is time for the rest of the nations on this planet to take care of this world and share the responsibility, equally.

Session One: Live Your Dream – “The Co-Creation of Heaven on Earth”

Remember also it is important to realize that how you hold the people in your life in your mind is often how they react in your presence.  Let go of the old way of thinking of them the way they were and see the good in them and, right before your very own eyes, the miracle of change will occur all around you.  The Universe continuously changes to reflect your view of reality.  Change the way you think and what you think about and watch everything and everyone in your surroundings change. It is one of the Universal Laws.

Session One: Live Your Dream: The Miracle of Change

The Miracle of Change


People can and do change often without realizing it.  It is necessary to let go of typecasting your self and others.  To live a dream is to give up all your old tapes and accept your new reality.  So when you discover that your dream goal is a possible living reality for you to follow, you will know it is time for you to give up what you thought were limitations and perceive them as lessons that you keep creating for yourself to do.  The time has come for you to let go experiencing the same lessons — they are no longer required of you.  Time has come to set up your own practice.              Now it is time for you to use the knowledge you have gained in many lifetimes. You are about to graduate from this Earth University with a degree in “Lessons Well Learned” and are now ready to possibly really realize you have been already living your purpose this lifetime. For some of you, if you look around you with clear eyes, you may realize that you are already in the midst of your wildest dream.  For others who know, and want to know what’s next, your Dream Plan of Action if still incomplete in certain areas will assist in your realization that your job is not over yet.  You will now have to make choices among those all the avenues now opening for you during this time of your current life. 

Session One: Relationships


 If anyone close to you is an important part of your dream, be sure to share just enough of it so that the person understands and can share in the realization of your vision becoming an actual reality.  If more people are important to the dream, communicate with them in such a way that they can get excited also and realize that it is a big enough vision for them to be an essential part of it, also, or just support you by believing in you.  A vision worth living, which often includes others, will sometimes only work if there is a united energy between all involved.  Be excited and sooner or later, others who have been waiting for a similar dream to enter their lives will be ready, willing and able to take an active role in an important part of your dream vision.  One good dream surely desires to be a part of the unlimited possibilities of others.  There is no lesser or greater.  There is only the involvement in the greatest relationship of the All That Is – the Higher Self – The One Connection in Us All.

Session One: Live Your Dream – Be Your Own Best Friend

Be your own Best Friend

 You deserve to live your dream.  Don’t be so hard on yourself.  Give yourself a break.  Give up being all things to all people.  Allow yourself to be your own best friend.  You are worthy of all the good life has to offer in your life.  When you grow, you threaten others, they think they are going to have to grow and give up those things that don’t work for them, also.  In their own of consciousness state, if they are miserable, they may attempt to keep you with them and miserable, too.  Misery loves company.  Perhaps they do not want to step out into the unknown where there are no guarantees.  Remember no one can live other’s lives for them without their own dissatisfaction and resentment entering yours.  Ease back on yourself and go with the flow of your vision.  Always know everyone comes from choice.  Make the right choices knowing others make their own choices also.  Be easy on yourself and others.  They may believe in suffering.

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