We are all very aware of the main physical differences between men and women. We often forget about the basic fine-line differences in brain formation of each gender. Simply stated, females have brains that house a larger corpus callosum than males. The corpus callosum is the bundle of nerves connecting the right and left hemispheres of the brain and acts much like a switchboard. It is a very fascinating complex switching station. The actual function of the corpus callosum in the center of the brain between the two hemispheres is to assist the individual in moving quickly from one hemispheres applications to the other hemispheres assistance and back again with ease. Because of the larger size of corpus callosum in a female, it is much easier for her to switch back and forth from one brain hemispheres primary operating system functions to the other brain hemispheres specialized applications than it is for her male counterpart. Is there a plausible explanation of why it is easier for women to flow in and out of the right brain activity that provides a much easier access to the limbic area that is located at the base of the skull on the top of the spinal column? One theory holds that all human emotions are controlled by the functions of our original ancient brain in the limbic stem area. This location is in direct contact with the heart center in our physical bodies via our highly sensitive nervous system.
In the human body, just below the protection of the breastbone, is the heart center location. Several inches below this center is the sensitive solar plexus that is looked upon in Far-Eastern Cultures as the powerful soul center. Doc Childre, author of the book The HeartMath Solution, and subsequent audiotapes and assisted by Howard Martin with Donna Beech, (ISBN 0-694-52175-2 {1999} audio tape version) offer astonishing proof that this heart location has intelligence, one that profoundly affects our mental and physical health.
*In metaphysical training, one of the basic premises taught is that the human being is made up of five different and associated atmospheres: 1) mental, 2) physical, 3) spiritual, 4) financial and 5) emotional. We often forget or downplay the emotional atmosphere each of us operates under. It is the center point in the middle of a diamond shape surrounded by the other four. (*See comment to blog entry)It follows that the pathway to the limbic stem area located at the base of the skull in the brain is where emotions are translated into physical reality through our nervous system connections into the right brain hemisphere. I refer to this as the One Connection Pathway. This connection in the human brains central nervous system center did not just pop into an empty space in our skull overnight. Our brains functional activities developed over thousands of years.
Historians believe the brain in humans first began its operation at the base of the skull in the limbic stem area, as mentioned previously. Scientists differ on when this was, but the most popular belief is about 5 million years ago. Only as recently as perhaps 2.5 million years ago, the right brain hemisphere came into existence. This leaves the left-brain as the youngest part but there is some disagreement when it appeared to dominate in what is known as the Age of Reason. Different dates provided are in the range of 26,000 to only 13,000 years ago when it appeared to be fully active.
Mental Emotional Financial