The Miracle of Change


People can and do change often without realizing it.  It is necessary to let go of typecasting your self and others.  To live a dream is to give up all your old tapes and accept your new reality.  So when you discover that your dream goal is a possible living reality for you to follow, you will know it is time for you to give up what you thought were limitations and perceive them as lessons that you keep creating for yourself to do.  The time has come for you to let go experiencing the same lessons — they are no longer required of you.  Time has come to set up your own practice.              Now it is time for you to use the knowledge you have gained in many lifetimes. You are about to graduate from this Earth University with a degree in “Lessons Well Learned” and are now ready to possibly really realize you have been already living your purpose this lifetime. For some of you, if you look around you with clear eyes, you may realize that you are already in the midst of your wildest dream.  For others who know, and want to know what’s next, your Dream Plan of Action if still incomplete in certain areas will assist in your realization that your job is not over yet.  You will now have to make choices among those all the avenues now opening for you during this time of your current life.