Whispering Soul Blog

Blog to share writings and musings related to the late Doris E. Roberts, PhD (Metaphysics)

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Happiness and Transmutation

Happiness is a state of feeling safe and secure within self.

This higher state of awareness is being accomplished because this new Golden Age Society yearns to be among the first to lead the way on to the Divine Pathway of Reawakening Spiritual Awareness in its partnership with Scientism (Scientists versed in Natural Sciences). Both the Now Spirituality and the New Sexuality along with Science are taking their rightful equal places in all earthly enterprises.

Transmutation is occurring now, whether we realize it or not, down to the cellular level of each and every one of us living on Earth at this time.  Make no mistake, it is happening because it is time for it to do so.

-Doris E Roberts,  PhD, Chap 2 

Find the Force within you!

Long ago and far away from some now unknown and no longer recalled source, the word spirituality was described as a relationship with:

  • The Outer Self,
  • The Inner Self,
  • And the Higher Self.

These three relative aspects of Spirituality were required.  All worldly cultures and societies in Ancient Times appeared to hold this (as a) basic human relationship concept .  It was a slow, painful, often boring but sometimes comforting process.

What happened throughout the ages to cause basic Human Spirituality now to be looked down on as an unimportant concept or at the very least “A Newcomer of Suspicious Character?”  Spirituality is as old as the Ages but possibly in this newest Age upon us now, it just might need some faith uplifting.

The old way ran something like this: First, you had an outer self that automatically adapted itself to fit into society. Second, you realized that it was important to be in touch with an inner self, which made life worthwhile. Finally, you felt connected to a higher self you could rely on to assist you through your life – the good times as well as the bad.

Our Outer Self has always been that part of us that is very suspicious and questions everything that our Inner Self who has direct connection to our Higher Self suggests might be the best thing to do for all concerned under the circumstances.

Human Territorial Instincts

It often appears that no one wants to acknowledge this has been the ongoing issue since time began on this planet.
Our human ancestors, wherever they came from originally, fought the animals and each other for survival in this natural world of form. Our territorial instincts as humans are often without question depending on which side you favor.
Wars were often fought over territorial rights.  Many are forced to fight to assure a roof over their heads and survival.  It is our base-animal-connection expressing itself.
Possessions do assist us in surviving.  They give us comfort, protection, and a place to call our own…but they also demand from us care, upkeep, and rules and regulations to keep the peace so that we can continue to care for and have some form of control over our possessions.
Until we realize in order to care for this planet, it is in our best interest to honor and cooperate with one another as intelligent human beings.  Our world  may be forced to rid itself of what is destroying it.  And Earth is fully capable of doing just that very well, for it has been done many times before.

Love, Not Fear

A life of existence on Planet Earth is our destiny.  Those of us, who are aware of the choices we have made, need not carry our well-learned lessons with us further into this new millennium.  Essentially this means we do not have to keep learning the same lessons over and over again as we have done in the past.  We have only to choose to come from Love not Fear.  It is not easy but it is possible and in all likelihood, probable.

The Sacred Shift of the Ages

People do need to understand the Sacred — that invisible, mystical, magical power of the Universe in all living things that surround us all.  I truly believe that the time has finally come for us all to provide the reverence and respect for all this Earth provides and truly represents. For this realization is necessary for the survival of this planet and its inhabitants as we move forward into the Shift of the Ages that was predicted over 2000 years ago.

The Phenomenal Philosophy I speak of includes the mystical belief in miracles that often result in complete healing of the mind, body and soul of ordinary human beings.  It has always been this way and it will continue to be so perhaps on a grander scale.  It was this way in Jesus’ time.  Our thoughts are powerful creators, for good or not so good… whatever we believe to be true we make it so in the One Connection experienced in our awareness and consciousness. All things are possible if we truly believe it to be so.

In my considered viewpoint, everything is moving at a higher rate of transformational change for each and every one of us. The basis appears to be because today’s Scientific World, which often denied the Mystical View during the last century, is now itself proving that there may be many more probabilities and possibilities that have an equal chance of finally coming to past in this present moment and time.

Mystical Practitioners come in all shapes, sizes and color have been planting seeds in the soil of this planet by writing books, giving lectures, and practicing in small group gatherings all over this world.  We are but a handful that nourishes this new cultural concept.  It is important for us to be doing this work on a donation basis only… we are not to do it for money.  It will not work if we do.

The Thought Consciousness behind all this work is to accept Love and Life as a provider of wonderful blessings and to search for the good in all things.  I was made aware of a this great gift of seeing good in all things, to bless those who have gone before me to show me the way and those who pay heed to what I shared in the past.  Unconditional Love is everywhere and for everyone, we have only to realize that it has a special place within all our hearts.  Happiness is a state of feeling safe and secure within self, no matter what is happening around you.  Do we truly believe that we can handle anything?  It is not an easy path considering the conditions that we are now constantly viewing in our homes every day.

-From the writings of Dr Dris

Doris Roberts, PhD (Metaphysics)

Return to Love – External and Internal Worlds

External World

Currently there are many different opinions surfacing about where the Mind actually dwells in the human body.  DNA advancements in scientific research technology are dislodging many exotic viewpoints as to its location.  Can it be, as we metaphysicians have known for ages, that the Mind truly exists in each and every cell of our being, which connects us with the Universal Mind that surrounds all things and dwells in all things?  DNA experiments are beginning to logically substantiate such a supposition.         

Notice, also, there are (that) the three views of consciousness appear to be similar to the list previously mentioned for the three aspects, which make up the word, Phenomenology.   See the end of earlier post. (Examination Time and Phenomenology) 

The first part in the External World is logical reasoning thinking (which is the function of the brain’s left hemisphere).

Let us now consider the examination of the consciousness that exists whether we are aware of it or not in our inner world and where we uncover the Right Brain’s access route.

Internal World

The second, the Internal World, is also where one goes when in prayer and meditation. The right-brain hemisphere is the way and access to spatial unlimited activities.  Finally, the third, the emotional and mental affect all this has on the individual, is located in the limbic stem area of the brain. The Limbic has also been referred to as the seat of the emotions for it has a direct connection to the heart. In this area location and connection, it is considered humanity’s original brain formed millions of years ago, which is said to house the soul and all the memories that it has experienced since its formation. More about this important part of the brain will be discussed later. 

A systematic scanning of a translation of some of Husserl’s later works provide some understanding into why there was no common agreement on the protocols necessary to the establishment of a basis for this particular type of philosophy. 

The book, “Edmund Husserl – Phenomenology and the Crisis of Philosophy,” is translated by Quentin Lauer (1965:23) and provides necessary background information. This comparative analysis of the two related subjects chosen under consideration — (1) conscious awareness and (2) phenomenology — is a scientific awareness study of philosophy as a transcendental state of pure reason or the science of science.  It provides ample opportunities and examples of  “Male and Female Energies” role-expansions as we enter further into this new millennium, called by many as The Golden Age. 

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